BAILEY J. QUINEY- Spring Lake High School, Michigan
2nd Place Winner of the Right to Life of Michigan (RLM)
Senior Pro-Life Essay Scholarship Contest – 2024

April, 2024

I have not always been pro-life. I have not always been educated on what an abortion is.
I haven’t always followed Christ. I have been part of the problem in this great Nation we call the
United States of America. That is until one night changed my whole perspective on abortion and
the unjust killing of the unborn.
I attended a fundraiser dinner event for Tri-Cities Right to Life in West Michigan. The
only reason I was there was because I got in for free and it counted as a service project for my
Confirmation class.
All I knew going into that night was that abortion was just “getting rid of” an unwanted
pregnancy. I had no idea how that was done, and, quite frankly, I had no idea that women would
do this after the first trimester. On the screen, the dismemberment process was shown [using animation]. I was
immediately sick to my stomach and thought, “This is not okay. Why is this allowed?”
As a senior in high school now, reflecting on that night in eighth grade, I can confidently
say that I have no regrets standing up for the unborn. However, unfortunately being pro-life is
extremely controversial.
I remember, people calling me uneducated, saying I have no respect for women, “because
of people like you, people hate Christians”, and all sorts of things. I was even told to kill myself!
Still, I persist. Why? Because I am a voice for the voiceless. That this issue is wrong. That sex is
consent to a pregnancy. That science points to the fact that an embryo is very much alive and
should be protected. That psychology points to how traumatizing an abortion is on a woman and
how much the abortion industry lies to women.
Taking this stance has taught me courage and resilience. To keep fighting for what you
believe in, and not to let those casting stones get to you. To think about something when you hear
it, and to do my research. I have had many opportunities to speak up, including at a music
festival and many pro-life events which has taught me public speaking and courage. I hope to be
an inspiration to my generation. I will always carry on.
When will it stop? I have no idea. Are people born evil or do they learn evil? There is a
devil on this Earth trying to trick all of us. Are you being tricked? Discouraged?
The ending of abortion looks like a long road ahead of us. There is more education that
needs to happen. But I will die on the hill that abortion is wrong, unjust, and a failure to women’s
liberty and happiness.

Thank you, Bailey, for being a powerful pro-life voice!
Link to Bailey’s music festival appearance >>>> UNITY 2023 Video for the Big Screen (