Our digital e-Newsletters are listed below! To be added to our email list, please visit the contact tab/page and sign up. Thank you!
Our last physical newsletter was here! Feb. 2023
FUNdraisers and more! THANK YOU to all those who support us. On Oct. 13, 2022, we set a record for both attendance and funds raised… 400+ and $51,155! Let’s keep it going!
♥ 40 Days for Life— A story from our adopted day on March 10th, 2021:
“I was there on March 10th. A tender-hearted 12 year old 7th grade girl was there (her 1st time). As she watched the cars go in, she began to cry. “How can they not know? Can’t we tell them we will take the babies?”
Then a car pulled into the abortuary driveway (past the sidewalks). A couple of the ladies went over and offered the young woman in the car some information. She rolled down her window just a little, took a packet, and drove on in. She sat in the parking lot for several minutes, then drove back up. She rolled down her window, and said she’s not sure… the ladies talked to her, told her about pregnancy services and gave her info about available help. She pulled out, then drove into the next driveway. We prayed up a storm. She turned around, and came back out again, and rolled down her window all the way. She and the ladies exchanged phone #s. Then she said: “I can’t do it! Thank you!” And drove away. We were all crying now, and hugged each other… 1st time I’ve actually witnessed a “save!”
Our TCRTL adopted day for Spring 2021 was Wed. March 10th. If you have any questions, please email jimrmarks@gmail.com During 40 Days for Life, members of our Christian community gather for prayer to peacefully end abortion during the Campaigns held in front of the Heritage Clinic for Women, 320 Fulton St. E., Grand Rapids. If you prayed last Oct. thru Nov. and/or participated this year, on location in Grand Rapids, THANK YOU! The 40 Days President’s message is here.
♥ Culver’s Fundraiser – Share Nights
Get both dinner and that good feeling that comes from knowing you are supporting LIFE! AND bring FRIENDS! Your meal at Culver’s during Share Nights helps support our Tri-Cities Right to Life activities because a percentage of all sales from 5 to 8pm goes to support our life-saving efforts! Stop by that evening and say hi to our members who will be volunteering as servers (but do NOT laugh at our hair nets!) Please consider joining the FUNdraising!
Memorial for the Unborn
The 2021 Memorial was on January 23rd. We solemnly marked the sad day in history (Jan 22, 1973) when Roe v. Wade made abortion ‘legal’ in the U.S., thus ending the lives of more than 62 million unborn (and in some cases, BORN!) children. Our memorial honors those lives. Here is the short video recap from the 2020 event! Password is: LIFE Also see some thoughts on this year’s memorial under the blog tab.
Past Newsletters
Winter 2018
Fall 2018
Summer 2018
Spring 2018
Winter 2017